Cyberpunk 2077 Worth Playing In 2022?

For massive fans of CD PROJEKT RED, they knew the company’s track record for launches. Many others only knew the perfection of many patches of Witcher 3 after several patches to make the game stable enough to play after release.

With RED’s PR team lying about performance and optimization, paired with releasing it far before it was ready, the writing was on the wall from the start. Crashes, glitches, refunds, and other issues forced some retailers to entirely take the games off the market.

With the turbulent launch behind it and several patches to stabilize the game, is now the time to finally play Cyberpunk 2077?

Have Recent Patches Improved The Experience?

Cyberpunk 2077 Worth Playing?
The infamous T Pose glitch.

Since it was released, many patches have come out to fix its problems at launch. Glitches and bugs were first on the list, then performance, and lastly, optimization.

With them fixing the game and being in better condition than launch, stores began to put it back in their marketplaces. The previous patches fixed people’s core problems with PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions.

Recently, their most significant patch to date, 1.5, was reportedly going to be a literal game-changer.

1.5 & Next Generation Update

The 1.5 patch dealt with a lot more fixes to the world and UI, but CDPR added the spotlight free content, as well as:

  • Performance mode
  • Ray tracing
  • Updating the Next-Gen versions of the game

Buying new apartments and weapons shakes things up, and they included more character customization for appearances too. With a list of hotfixes, you can see they are still striving for a better experience for the player.

People are happy with the updates. Every time a new update comes out, the population spikes on Steam. However, the people coming back to test the updates don’t stay. Only die heart fans keep playing.

Many YouTubers do go back to the game to test out the updates and talk about what was updated, which could have helped with the jumping population on Steam.

The Current State Of The Game

With Cyberpunk 2077 and the context of being playable, as it wasn’t at the beginning of the game’s release. Not seeing T poses and game crashing during that major questline is a fix in my book.

Cars do not float on the road, and they have weight to them now. The game loads assets better, and the minimap is pulled back so that you won’t miss turns while driving.

Yes, some glitches did make the game a bit more fun, like the item duplication glitch and the cyberware slide jump glitch that let you zoom around the map like Barry Allen.

However, overall the game is in such a better state now than at launch. I think it is well worth a try now. Will it ever rise above the ashes like No Man’s Sky? Probably not. Check out our take on No Man’s Sky here

Now Leaving Night City

Cyberpunk 2077 Worth Playing

I’m a massive fan of the cyberpunk genre as a whole, whether it’s Blade Runner, Robocop, Total Recall, Altered Carbon, or anything else in the genre.

One of my favorite authors is Mike Pondsworth, who not only created the original Cyberpunk tabletop RPG back in 1988 but also has worked on every release since. Pondsmith also worked on Cyberpunk 2077 as a consultant. And his vision is nearly present in this game and evokes similar emotions when I play his TTRPGs.

So, Is Cyberpunk 2077 Worth Playing Now?

Cyberpunk is an excellent game, in my opinion, and it’s a hundred times better now than it was a year ago. On the other hand, I would debate people on the story, but that’s for another article.

You should try playing Cyberpunk 2077 now. If you haven’t played since launch, it’s like night and day.

RJ Marine

A gamer since the time of arcades, playing many different games from tabletop to video games. Mostly play MMO's, RPG's and shooter's games but the tug of arcade style fighting games are still felt.

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