With E3 2021 in the first few days of launch, you might be wondering “What other events are coming up?”
Reddit user u/fettpl has gone above and beyond the call of the r/Games subreddit and made an awesome curated list of all the live streamed gaming events, presentations and important conferences. All laid out nice & simple on a pragmatic, clean website that screams functionality.
The website is lean, mean and updated regularly, and sits high up on my browser bookmarks. Check it out:

From the website: “Below you will find a list of all upcoming gaming events, conferences, and presentations. Please feel free to share and if something is missing either comment or commit an update. The list will be updated as often as possible. Bookmark this page as it will become your best friend for gaming updates.”
There’s also a handy “TBD” section where you can see what is pending being added to the already detailed list. We love it.
You can visit the 2021 schedule here: Gaming Events 2021
We’re so smitten with it that we’re going to add a sidebar link to the website so none of our readers miss an event!